“I.L.D.-99 Audit” considers its mission to be the provision of advanced, unique and effective solutions in field of audit, accounting, taxation, with high impact for clients ‘business and also improvement of quality and image of Albania audit and accounting service.
The Company work is based on the following principles:
Mutual trust, respect and ethics.
During our 20 years of successful operations we have passed all the stages of the Company’s business formation we are fully aware of all the difficulties waylaying for a modern Albanian entrepreneur during business activities. This is why we respect the business of our clients by taking their problems as our own ones and trying to safeguard at the maximum their interests during provision of services. ”I.L.D.-99 Auditing” values its longstanding reputation of an independent and competent audit company with high integrity.
Strict compliance of confidentiality of information received from the clients is one of the most important standards of the work. The Company ensures the security of documents received and compiled during work execution and do not disclose them without an agreement from the client.
Expert knowledge
Highly qualified Company’s employees – auditors, tax experts and accountants have vast work experience at enterprises in different types of industries. Constant and continuous training, self-improvement, refresher training and merit rating, attendance of various courses and seminars enable “I.L.D.-99 Auditing” specialists to be familiar with all legal changes and amendments, newest technologies and procedures for audit in particular and business conduct as a whole. High quality of works is guaranteed by the system of auditing standards developed on the basis of local and international standards.